Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Tenth Green Bean.

This post is full of slippery slope and hyperbole, and should only be read at an hour of the day when your intelligence is peaking.

I've been thinking, and can't believe it has taken me this long to post about this when I should have gotten right to it on doom's day, May 24...the day kendall proposed and the day our lives of blogging became mass confusion. I don't know how many of you have actually taken into consideration that mal is becoming a part of the family in two days, therefore presenting the problem that our blog can no longer be named the 9 green beans.

"Who cares?", you say.

But in reality the Green family's identity is about to change forever. You think people will still read our blog 'ir'regardless (refer to cousin bree's blog) of how many of us there are? We are lying to the entire American blogging population. Do we actually want to be known for only having 9 people in our family for the rest of our infinite existence?!?! I don't think so...We are lying to the many amiable people who just want to check up on our family.

It's like the boy who cried wolf.

Kendall gets married, we don't change it, then the day comes when Beau and Jordan get married, we don't change it and it still remains a lie the day I kneel at the alter. So we finally decide to change the name. Then who knows? Who really knows! Because our entire family identity casts a shadow of only nine people, and the newest members go unnoticed.

So what do we do about this problem you may ask? Do we throw someone out? Axel? Make it adults only? No, because he was even here before mal was so he would grow up and be super offended. Then he might become a rebel and fulfill cort's fear of becoming gay. Let's not even go there. But honestly, the first word of the green family blog is nine. And in two days that number will be irrelevant.

It's a risky move though, changing the name, then people might not know who we are and when they try to go to the 9 green beans blog and are faced with the ever-terrible words "Cannot be displayed" in big red letters across the top of their screens. Then they'll think something drastic has happened and they won't know what to do. The whole family has vanished along with their blog. Can you imagine? The trauma.

So I approach you with this ultimatum. Would you rather people hate us for lying to them about the number of people in our family, or people hate us because they get all confused trying to access our blog?

Do we really want to go through with this wedding.


loubige said...

That was cute.......oh the dilemma.

I say you make a 10 Green Beans blog, 11 Green Beans, 12 Green Beans, 13 Green Beans, 14 Green Beans etc. etc. That way you have claim to them all as the years progress and spouses and children are added to the mix.
Just like a friend of mine who has a few email addresses in her back pocket for when she has more kids since she puts the amount of kids she has in her email address. (yes this is true)
(Personally I have no opinion on this and I think either idea is fine and just so you know I won't hate you the first week I try to get onto 9 Green Beans and it has vanished I'll just be a tad bit annoyed)
Have a great wedding weekend Green Family!!!

Let me know what you

Alison said...

Do you think the real problem is that little sisters sometimes have hard time bringing new people into the family? HMMMM?

And get worried that just because they are the youngest people might forget about them? And they won't get as much attention, and eventually be removed to "cousin" status in the family?

Well, rest assure all your fears will come true. Mal will replace you, and you will be forgotten. And then the number 9 will no longer be your greatest concern.

I don't even remember what Blake looks like.

I'll see you at the wedding, if they let you go.


Eric and I want you to go on America's Next Top Model real bad

barbara said...

Not only beautiful and spiritual but a talented writer too! Imagine the dilemma had we started the Everson blog with a number!xoxoxo

maines said...

Quite the conundrum. I say we forgo the number all together and just go with "green beans". That is assuming we can tear jumping turtle away from his gay bashing long enough to grace us on this site. I realize this may cause some initial discomfort to our blog viewers, but change is all part of life.
p.s. Can you believe even your cousin is now in a sense calling you Cinderella? Beautiful people get no love.