Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Here are some pictures of Axel over the last few months. He likes orange food, and therefore has orange skin which makes him look like he's been using Jergens Natural Glow lotion, but he really hasn't. He likes See's Candies suckers. He likes the Lakers, and espcially Kobe Bryant, now that he's officially the NBA MVP. He also likes the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle that used to be mine that my parents kept, and he likes Ricky.


Jordan P said...

These warm my heart!

loubige said...

so, So, SO CUTE!!!! Love em.

noelle said...

cort, how did you have such a good-looking baby???? it must be all your wife's doing... j/k! :) ace is a stud. and bruce says hey, by the way!

Shauna said...

ADAM CORTLAND GREEN is that really you!! i can't believe it...how are you? i found you on Noelle's blog and am so excited because i've wondered about you tons over the years. in fact i was sitting on my porch swing the other day and saw an old Honda broken down in front of my house, and my mind instantly wondered back to the time that we were sitting in your car in the KH parking lot all vamped up to go to Vegas, and your car ran out of gas. good times! anyway, here i am just blabbing on, hopefully you remember me...think waaaaay back..2000-2001. wow has it been that long ago...we're getting old! anyway, i just started bloggin', so i'll be check you out once in a while. You have a beautiful family, i can't even believe how cute Axel is, you must be so proud. write when you get a chance, i'd love to hear from ya.

noelle said...

dude. i just saw the comment you left on shauna's blog. you even left her your email address... where's the love? :)