Monday, January 14, 2008


Dad's in the other room talking to cort about how boring our family is...this face means I'm slightly offended.


maines said...

I told dad that we were still just young, not boring. Once you guys get spouses and become adults, we'll have plenty of fun. Although it does help to have a whack job like Dro in the family to keep things entertaining. He falls where Kendall falls...the 3rd boy, so it's up to Kendall to be the funny man.

maines said...

That last comment was from Cort by the way, not Shalaine. I thought I signed in.

maines said...

It also requires a willingness to get seriously mocked and ridiculed on a regular basis. Do you think your up for it? This IS Maines, by the way.

loubige said...

I'll have to agree with ShaSha on that took me a few years to submit to the ridicule, plus being married to Jon, no one is going to take me seriously anyway.