Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Beau Update

Hey Everyone,

Here are some recent pics. I'm just finishing up the yoga program and loving all the body therapies that I'm still enrolled in. Been doing a lot of Zen Shiatsu treatments. Just at the end of that program and then starting up the Release Point program next week. Release Points a combination of Shiatsu like thumb and palm pressure, skin and fascia rolling and some mild stretches. This really helps open up the healing channels in the body, the person is also super relaxed due to some cool head and nerve holds we do. You can also use your insurance and so we'll be working hospitals and doctors.

Me and Astara as a Greek God and Goddess. She made everything from sheets and stuff from Savers, even the hair leaves and jewerly. Luckily I had purchased a sweet mullit a week earlier that just happened to work out perfect.
Our pumpkins, Astara's three eyed monster and mine
Just being goofy
We did some partner yoga the other day, it was pretty much chaos but a good time. Everyone's expressions in the background are the best part :)

The Caterpillar
Me and Astara
Astara in a cool pose.
Different angle

Me trying to hold up our teacher.
Me holding up someone a little bit lighter :)
Astara and Danielle blowing each other kiss, pretty talented!!


Jordan P said...

cool pumpkins!!! and cool yoga poses. that looks fun!

Laurel said...

Yea we've been waiting for these! Those costumes and pumpkins are amazing!! What a talent she is to whip those up! The Yoga poses are a little intimidating. They don't look anything like our yoga moves :) Looks like a pretty good gig you got going there Beau! Very cool...

maines said...
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maines said...

nice pics beau. the people you work with are more flexible than the people i work with.

- cort

loubige said...

Those are sweet yoga poses! I wish I was talented enough (and dedicated) to do that.

By the way.....if you ever come out to visit Cort and Shalaine uh...Jon and I are definitely there to help you "practice" those body therapies--you know--just in case you need to log some more hours or something. :-)

Kendall said...

"She was my yoga I knew she was limber." Chaz Michael Michaels

Al G. said...

This is pretty discouraging. Been at yoga for a couple of months now...can barely touch my knees in standing forward bend! And my downward facing dog looks like a very old, arthritic, deformed dog. But you guys look great...kinda like Chinese Acrobats!