Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween

For Halloween Axel was a Laker. This costume worked well because it also doubles as a Florida Retiree. Here are some pics. 

He was a Laker, and his cousin max was an Angel.

He got fouled going up for a rebound.
He likes to sit on pumpkins.

He was also a sailor for part of the day.


Al G. said...

Is was bad enough that Mom sat there crying last night while the cute little trick or treaters were coming to the door... because, "this is the first time we haven't had any kids here for Halloween!!" Now we have to see Axel looking so cute and we aren't there to share the moment. We have to figure out a way to get in the same neighborhood!
Love...G Al G

Jordan P said...

What? I'm your kid and here I sleep in the next bedroom over! (looking up apartments online...hehehe so mean). Axel is so cute!!!

maines said...

No love Jordan. Axel is definitely the favorite now. Sorry.