Friday, July 11, 2008

The Best of Both Worlds

This definitely goes down in history as one of the best 4th of Julys ever. Stadium of Fire

was absolutely amazing. Honoring all the servicemen, the jets, Glen Beck, Blue Man Group all were wonderful. But the highlight was seein my very own favorite HANNAH MONTANA!!!!!!!!!! or Miley Cyrus. She's got the best of both worlds. So do these guys:

The contrast between the asian and the caucasian...

"How many girls do we have out there in that audience? Put your hands in the air!!!"

At least I had these 2 to be screaming fanatics to be my Hannah pals :)

Happy Fourth... And Corty, I know I didn't do a post for either yours or Shalaine's birthdays, but I want you both to know I really do look up to you. Always have, and always will. Thanks for setting a strong example as the oldest in our family! Love you both.

And you wish this is what came up when I google imaged your names...

I can't wait to See You Again!!! (In 3 weeks woo hoo!)


Breanne King said...

Berit...I gotta, eddie and I were pretty darn funny

Jordan P said...

Berit you know all the words.

Alison said...

I cannot get enough of eddie and bree! MORE MORE