Monday, January 14, 2008

Big News

WARNING! This is exciting news, but it may also lead to some depression as it may be construed as evidence of Axel growing up before your eyes, except that he's not really before your eyes, he's far away from your eyes, which is why it might cause some depression. The first tooth has busted through! Axel's been a little more fussy lately than usual because he's teething. A combination of Oral Gel, which is this nasty numbing agent you rub on his gums, and baby tylenol at night has kept him comfortable despite really hard white things trying to break through his gums. A couple days ago, however, Shalaine stuck her finger in his mouth and was literally punctured by the sharpest little dagger you could imagine. It was really sharp. He has sanded it down a little now by chewing on anything he can get his mouth on including books, morracas (sp?), seatbelts, my Robert Talbot ties, and church pews. I'm not sure if this has come early, or if this is about average in terms of when teeth start showing. Axel's friend Rell is 8 months old and still doesn't have any teeth, but then again his tongue is not seperated from his gums, so he's got other things to worry about. So that's about it. Shalaine and I promise to try to make it up to Utah in the near future. Not sure when though. So that's about it. The tooth isn't visible enough to get a good picture of, and Axel sticks his tongue out a lot so it's hard to snap a shot or else we'd post one.

Axel also had his first trip to Disneyland last week. Shalaine took a little video that we'll try to post soon, but our computer is acting like a re-re these days so it's made it difficult.


Dro said...

Cort, when the first tooth starts coming in, do not--I repeat DO NOT, put finger in mouth. That one tooth is sharper than a ginsu knife.

The good news is that you can sell your paper cutter on ebay and just have Axel open his mouth.

KatieB said...

Corter- 6 months is the average age a baby gets their first tooth. We are thinking about going up to Utah around presidents day. We should go skiing. Train your staff, take a month off.

Jordan P said...

Yeah Ax man! Maybe the sharpness comes from his name being Ax.