Sunday, January 27, 2008

P words.

Politics is one of the more boring P words for young girls like me. Let's talk platinum and preference! I've decided to follow in the steps of my ever changing sisters and dye my hair. I went platinum blonde last week, and i'm diggin it. Also i went to preference last night with my friend garrett (yeah i know...berit and garrett...ha.) Very fun. Tuxes are the best thing that's ever happened to man's wardrobe.


loubige said...

Okay...I know you really don't know all that well...but you look beautiful, and I am liking the blonde, it looks great! Hope you had fun!!
(this is Lou Ann...Jon's wife)

loubige said...

Oops...just reread my comment...I meant to say "I know you really don't know ME all that well..."

maines said...

Berit, you look gorgous! So glad you had a good time. And it looks like the guy must have been tall...heels! Yeah! Also love the hair. I have also changed mine once again...I know, shocker. It's short and blonde- my favorite!
p.s. Loubige, what the crap is that picture? Is that you dressed up in a beer costume?

Dro said...

Actually, it's Lou Ann's version of lingerie. Yeah baby!!! I love it when she dresses up like Mr. Recycle from the Tamale festival. I definitely get my 5 cents worth! :)

maines said...

Is that what that is? I think the worlds largest tamale would have been a better pic. Did you see that thing? Worth the price of admission just for that. Otherwise, you can get the same effect by just visiting Tijuana any given day of the week. Although, I don't think you'd find Mr. Recycle there. Unless he's dressed up as roadkill. I think they recycle that.